Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Results Are In!

So I guess there's no secret about what this post's about; I got my cholesterol results back after six weeks into my vegan venture!.  From 217 I've been brought down to 210 and from a weight of 196lbs, I've gotten down to 185lbs.  My cholesterol didn't lower as much as I thought it would have, but I also stumbled inadvertently along the way.  My biggest error was not taking into account salt content; by eating only veggies and such I thought I could eat whatever I wanted without repercussions.  After my Moe's discovery, my eyes have been opened and I'm no longer naive and ignorant about the appearance of "healthy" meals wrapped in bright lights and shiny counter tops.

So here's the deal.... I'm going to continue with this diet!  Honestly after a while, I stopped thinking like a carnivore and being vegan ceased to scare me.  Just for the record, over these past six weeks, I didn't try anything crazy.  No manorexia or working out like crazy in the gym to buff up happened; I just changed my diet and continued doing my normal exercises and routine. 

In another six weeks, after applying myself to be more aware of other  factors besides calories, I'm going to get tested again and hopefully the results will be better than these last ones.  :-)

IF I could say one thing about this experience, it would be that I'd recommend everyone to try it.  It may not work for you and you know what?  That's fine.  Not all diets, like pant sizes, are meant for us all.  However, you'd be surprised as to the amount of creativity that can come from replacing some ingredients that you would think are crucial to a meal with others.  Try it!  What would the harm be?  Less hormones in your diet and perhaps a slight dent in your wallet, but it's worth atleast the effort.

For the record, I'll continue to blog my meals, work has just kept me knee high in corporate servitude; the posts though will continue on.  :-)



    1. Narda needs to go Vegan!! hahaha. Good for you.
